Paintings inspired by the beauty of Nature

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Nubian Goat  BuckIt was in 2012 that I became ethical VEGAN.  Enthusiastically I embraced the role of sharing my paintings, photography and graphic art skills to advocate for animals.  All sentient beings deserve safety, kindness and justice.  With my new label, I had now graduated into genuinely embodying the true meaning of “animal lover”.  This was also a major turning point in my creative path.  My paintings seemed to quickly evolve as I more deeply connected with my inspiration. Creations were not only about how animals looked; it was now about how they felt, and what they had to say.  Being a “vegan artist” is more than choosing cruelty-free supplies, eating plants and painting animals and nature. For me, it is about expressing the love I feel for life

Honoring and celebrating my relationships with my Earth Family.  Creating art that communicates on a heart level – hopefully inspiring others to see, know and consider animals in new loving ways - building new traditions based on respect, kindness and compassion.  I feel like an exciting journey has just begun and I may need several lifetimes to portray all my animal friends.  I hope you will feel inspired too!


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