Paintings inspired by the beauty of Nature

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vegan for the animalsGreetings and welcome to my albums of ANIMAL paintings (please be sure to visit the HORSES album). I hope you will join me in my journey of discovery, connection and evolution with the fascinating beings we share this Earth with.  Each day, I learn more about them and endeavor to share the loving respect and admiration I feel for them. As a child I remember adults telling me that I was “artistic” and an “animal lover”. These labels became a part of my identity (though I did not really comprehend what they meant until many years later).

I knew I felt content and joyous in the presence of nature and animals.  And expressing those feelings through creative activities seemed so natural.  Didn’t everyone feel and act that way? Soon I realized that people played many different roles.  The more I observed of the world, the more I started to find comfort in my labels and wanted to fulfill their potential. I had always admired animals. I had been vegetarian for 30 years, worked with a veterinarian and animal communicator, was a caretaker, animal photographer and animal painter . But my experiences had been limited to the usual companion animals and zoo exhibits.

In 2010, my life was jolted by major changes and relocation but with it came some wonderful gifts.  In my new situation, I have had the privilege of getting to know “farm animals”. It was life-changing for me – how could I have not always lived amongst them, in sanctuary, or in the wild?  Discovering their unique beauty, personalities and character made me feel so completely at home, so peaceful and more inspired than ever. I have been profoundly moved by their genuine enthusiasm, tenderness, love and affection.  They have taught me much about respect, courage and strength.  My curiosity and awareness about them grew, urging me to face and more fully consider their experiences and to change my choices and habits.

You are here: Animals Why art?